Overwhelmed woman at the beach
If I make eye contact with you for longer than the usual socially-accepted couple of seconds, and ask “How you are really?”, will you still say you’re fine? Socially, that’s the thing to say, in most situations. And that’s kind of okay … in most situations. But are you saying it to yourself? Have you given up hoping for relief, healing, someone to notice? Are you saying it to doctors, therapists, people who need to know just how bad you’re really feeling? I did that for years. Screaming inside, wondering when it’s my turn to have that wobble that others seem to be allowed to have while I’m expected to just cope. Please stop saying you’re fine. You’re gaslighting yourself. You may even have done it in situations where it isn’t the time to say you’re alright, coping, can’t complain, things could be worse. Tell me this – have you ever asked a doctor or therapist how they are? Stopped inquiries with “That’s enough about me, what’s going on in your life?” Perhaps you’re not at that level of ignoring yourself, perhaps it’s that you don’t feel heard or understood, so see no point in telling the truth. Tell me about it. No, seriously, tell me. Tell others in the comments. You’ll be seen and heard here. And I’ll be providing some simple, inexpensive health tips and tweaks that can make a difference, help you feel nourished and cherished … by yourself. Because it’s time you started looking out for your own interests, and putting yourself first. Welcome.
